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Cohort JUNE 2024


Google Meet

Inner Child Journey

This is a 8 week online program diving deep into the BOY archetypes of the masculine psyche.

Inner Child Journey
Inner Child Journey

Time & Location

Cohort JUNE 2024

Google Meet


About the event


Embark on a transformative journey into the depths of your psyche as we delve into the rich tapestry of boyhood archetypes outlined by renowned psychologists Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette. In this immersive 8 week online journey, you'll embark on a profound exploration of the inner child, uncovering the hidden patterns and dynamics that shape your identity and influence your adult life.

Drawing upon the groundbreaking work of Moore and Gillette, we'll traverse the landscape of the Hero, Divine Child, Precious Child, and Oedipal Child archetypes, each representing essential aspects of the boyhood psyche. Through a blend of theoretical insights, experiential exercises, and practical techniques, you'll gain a deeper understanding of these archetypes and their relevance to your personal journey of self-discovery and growth.

Guided by Graeme Ford - aka SUPER G - and Hugo Lopes, the founders of MAN ALIGNED, you'll learn how to recognize and integrate the qualities and shadows of each archetype, fostering greater self-awareness, resilience, and authenticity. Through reflective practices, journaling prompts, and group discussions, you'll uncover the wounds and gifts of your inner child, forging a path towards healing, empowerment, and wholeness.


The boy archetypes, as outlined by Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette, are rooted in their exploration of the masculine psyche and are often depicted as foundational patterns of behavior and thought that shape a man's development. Here are the four primary boy archetypes:

  1. The Divine Child: This archetype represents the innocence, wonder, and potential inherent in every individual. The Divine Child is characterized by curiosity, creativity, and a sense of awe and openness to the world. It embodies the capacity for growth, learning, and transformation.
  2. The Hero: The Hero archetype embodies courage, strength, and the willingness to confront challenges and overcome obstacles. It represents the innate drive to achieve greatness, to protect and defend what is valued, and to embark on quests or journeys of self-discovery and growth.
  3. The Precocious Child: The Precocious Child archetype reflects the rebellious, mischievous, and adventurous aspects of the psyche. It embodies the desire for freedom, autonomy, and exploration, often challenging authority and societal norms in pursuit of individual expression and authenticity.
  4. The Oedipal Child: The Oedipal Child archetype encompasses the complex dynamics of attachment, rivalry, and longing for intimacy with parental figures. It involves the process of individuation and separation from parental influences, as well as the integration of masculine identity and sexuality.


Whether you're seeking to heal past traumas, cultivate healthier relationships, or unlock your true potential, this course offers a safe and supportive space to embark on a profound inner journey. 

- If you are ready to face your inner child wounds with vulnerability and love, this is a place for you;

- If you are feeling alone, scared or sad, this is a place for you to face eye to eye your own self to become who you want to become;

- If you have HOPE that wounds can be transformed into sources of strength, and that a deeper sense of self-compassion and authenticity awaits on the other side, this is a space for you;

- As men courageously face their inner demons and embrace their wounded inner child, they may experience a profound sense of empowerment and liberation. This empowerment comes from reclaiming lost aspects of themselves, rewriting old narratives, and embracing their inherent worth and potential.


- Join a whatsapp community for accountability, check in with like minded invidividuals;

- Ebook with content, prompts questions, exercises and practices around the boyhood archetypes;

- Online e-classes for each boyhood archetype - lifetime access to that content;

- Lifetime access to the 8 online meetings in group;

- 10% off on your next MAN ALIGNED in person offering;

- Refer a friend and get 10% discount for each new client you bring;

- Mentorship with MAN ALIGNED community on your embodiment journey;

Navigating these complex and often intense emotions requires patience, self-compassion, and support from trusted allies, therapists, or mentors. Through dedicated inner child work, men can cultivate greater self-awareness, emotional resilience, and a deeper sense of authenticity and fulfillment in their lives.


- Tuesday's 6 pm MST

- Begins in JUNE 2024


Join us as we reclaim the lost treasures of boyhood and awaken the dormant potentials within, unlocking new pathways to fulfillment, purpose, and vitality.


  • Inner Child program

    This ticket guarantees you a spot on the 8 week ONLINE inner child program

    +$22.20 service fee



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